Transform Network

Get Involved

It takes a village to raise a child. So why not be apart of that village? There are so many simple ways you can get involved in helping our youth succeed in life.

Get involved

YIT’s Transform Network is dedicated to fostering meaningful and impactful relationships with our partners. Rooted in the principles of communication, collaboration, and camaraderie, our network is a hub for shared growth and mutual empowerment that impacts the youth.

Core Pillars:

1. Communicate:
Establish open channels for two-way communication between Youth in Transformation
and our partners. Enabling the sharing of ideas, feedback, and experiences that drive
collective progress.

2. Collaborate:
Work together on innovative projects and initiatives, leveraging the unique strengths and
expertise of each partner to create transformative solutions.

3. Camaraderie:
Build a strong sense of community and trust, celebrating our shared values and achievements to nurture enduring relationships.

Thank you to those who have joined our network. If you’d like to form a partnership with us,
please email


Our Projects